Conservation Area (CA)
Willett Estate CA.
Local Listing Reference
Four-storey block of purpose-built flats, built in 1898 in a Free Jacobean style.
Brick and terracotta with a pinnacled and castellated tower to the southeast corner, and turrets and decorative chimneys elsewhere on the skyline.
The windows incorporate heavy transoms and mullions, with oriel windows to the tower. The entrance is set centrally, with castellations, a decorative frieze and a joggle-jointed lintel.
Source: Antram & Morrice 2008.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
ii. A well-executed example of a Victorian purpose-built block of flats in an unusual architectural style for the area.
C. Townscape interest
i. Within The Willett Estate Conservation Area, which is characterised by large Victorian houses, typically in gault brick.
The building is atypical of the area, due to being historic purpose-built flats and through the use of brick and terracotta in an unusual architectural style.
F. Intactness
i. The building’s front elevation retains many architectural features and its overall design integrity.
Date of Inclusion