Conservation Area (CA)
No CA.
Local Listing Reference
Single-storey, early 19th-century farm buildings, now used as a commercial dairy depot.
The c.1840 Preston tithe map shows the buildings surrounded by undeveloped land, and situated on the droveway between Preston and Blatchington. Indeed a building is shown on the 1795 to 1805 draft OS map in this location, although it's not possible to positively identify it as this farm.
In the 1870s it's identified on mapping as Hills Barn, and by 1911 it was part of Preston Farm. It appears to have been used for dairy throughout its history. However, mapping shows that the actual arrangement of buildings has altered over time.
The site comprises a series of long, low buildings with half-hipped or gabled tile roofs. Flint walls with brick dressings, and a tall flint wall to the front boundary.
Semi-circular arched openings provide access to the rear yard.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
i. A good quality example of this type of building, with particular interest provided by the 2 semi-circular headed openings, and by the uniformly long and low form of the buildings; which are executed in the local vernacular.
v. The complex retains considerable rural/industrial charm.
B. Historic and evidential interest
ii. Reminder of the agricultural origins of the area, and of the droveway. The buildings predate surrounding suburban development.
C. Townscape interest
ii. Makes a positive contribution to the area, being the oldest building in the locality, and particularly aesthetically pleasing.
E. Rarity and representativeness
ii. Representative of the agricultural origins of the area.
F. Intactness
ii. Retains its use as a dairy.
Date of inclusion