Conservation Area (CA)
No CA.
Local Listing Reference
Two-storey house in a moderne style. Rendered, with a flat roof (roof terrace). Central entrance within a projecting ‘tower-like’ bay with a canted window.
The ground floor is set forward of the first floor to provide balconies. Three rendered bands to central bay and corners at first-floor level.
The corner location is set back from the road behind a low rendered wall with piers.
Middleton suggests that painter Piet Mondrian may have lived or more likely visited the house, and influenced the design of the bathroom, but there is no available information to substantiate this. Middleton 2002.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
i. A good quality example of a 1930s moderne house in the city, with an element of ‘seaside architecture’ to its design.
C. Townscape Interest
ii. The building is not within a conservation area. It is a distinctive and unusual design for the area which contributes greatly to the street scene.
E. Rarity and representativeness
i. One of only a few good quality moderne style houses to survive in the city.
F. Intactness
i. The design integrity of the building survives.
Date of Inclusion