Elm Grove, 212, The Racehorse Inn, Brighton
Two and three storey (with converted attic) detached building, located at the junction of Elm Grove and Queen’s Park Road.
Asset type
Historic building - Publich House (now residential)
Local Listing Reference
Conservation Area (CA)
Two and three storey (with converted attic) detached building, located at the junction of Elm Grove and Queen’s Park Road. Utilises the change in height of the topography. Presents a gable end to Elm Grove, and a further two bay gable end to the junction. Brick to lower floor, partly painted. Decorative tile hanging to the first floor, with mock-timber framing in the gables. Prominent tiled pitched and hipped roofs, and chimney stack.
Converted to residential use in 2013.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
ii. Well-detailed and picturesque building for its type.
C. Townscape interest
ii. Not within a conservation area, the building contributes greatly to the streetscene
iii. Located prominently as a detached building on the junction, it is a focal point in views along Elm Grove
F. Intactness
i. Despite conversion, the design of the building remains intact.
Date of inclusion

Contact information
212, Elm Grove, Brighton