Conservation Area (CA)
Local Listing Reference
Late 19th century, replacing an earlier public house of the same name. Located on the corner of Lewes Road and Bear Road, it has two principal elevations which match in detailing. Two storey with attic. Main entrance set within gable at corner and orientated to address the junction. Further gable to each of the two elevations. Render and red brick with clay tile roofs. Shallow arched openings to the ground floor, with hung sash windows above. Mock timber framing to the gables. Prominent brick chimney.
A. Architectural, Design and Artistic Interest
ii. A good example of a late 19th/early 20th century public house
C. Townscape Interest
ii. Not within a conservation area, the public house contributes to the streetscene.
iii. Located at a prominent junction, the building forms a minor focal point in the area
F. Intactness
i. The exterior of the building survives largely intact
ii. The building remains in pub use
Date of Inclusion