Conservation Area (CA)
Adjoining Montpelier and Clifton Hill
Local Listing Reference
Two modest early-Victorian terraced houses faced in stucco, likely c1830 to 1840 and amongst the earliest houses in the street, which was laid out by 1830. Number 21 is double-fronted with central entrance; number 22 incorporates an entrance to a passageway that runs to the rear of the properties on Upper North Street. These two houses were for some reason excluded from the Montpelier and Clifton Hill Conservation area when it was designated. The former Smithers brewery once occupies land to the south-east.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
ii. They are early-19th century artisan housing in design, similar to those properties in the conservation area and within the same street. They have architectural interest as representative of housing of the period.
C. Townscape interest
ii. The properties make a positive contribution to the street scene; they lie immediately outside of the Montpelier and Clifton Hill Conservation area but are consistent with and generally more intact than other properties in the street.
F. Intactness
i. The houses generally retain their early 19th century appearance from the street, including the roofs, except for the addition of first floor canted oriels to number 21 and curious diamond shaped windows to the first floor of 22.
Date of inclusion