Conservation Area (CA)
Local Listing Reference
Terrace of two storey with attic cottages, built 1896. Flint elevations with brick dressings and string course. Slate roofs, of which some have been re-covered. Paired entrances, some with later porches. End properties have a canted bay rising through both floors, surmounted by a projecting tile hung gable. Middle properties have a single 2 over 2 hung sash window to each floor. The terrace is set at right angles to the main road (Falmer Road). It is set back from Meadow Close, behind a grassed verge and front gardens.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
ii. Good example of a late 19th century terrace, built as a single composition.
C. Townscape interest
ii. Outside a conservation area, the terrace contributes to the streetscene.
F. Intactness
i. The group survives largely intact.
Date of inclusion