Conservation Area (CA)
Local Listing Reference
Terrace of early 20th century two storey houses, with rendered elevations and a hipped clay tile roof. Two chimney stacks. First shown on the c.1930s Ordnance Survey map, it predates most surrounding development. Paired entrances located under tiled porch hoods, with a single hung sash window to the ground floor of each property. A single hung sash and a paired hung sash window to the first floor of each property, set immediately under the eaves. Cill and lintel bands. Number 277 has an additional window to the ground floor; and all the windows to this property have been replaced with modern alternatives. The terrace is set back from the road behind small front gardens/forecourts.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
ii. A good quality example of an early 20th century terrace of rural character
B Historic and evidential interest
ii. Illustrative of the rural character of the area prior to suburbanisation
C. Townscape interest
ii. Not within a conservation area and contributes greatly to the character of the streetscene
F. Intactness
i. The terrace survives largely intact.
Date of Inclusion