Conservation Area (CA)
Local Listing Reference
Two storey terrace with dormer attic, stepping up road. Dense field flint elevations with brick dressings. Doors set within enclosed gabled porches, which appear to be original. Small-paned hung sash windows, none of which appear to be original. Cill and lintel bands. Tiled gabled roof with chimney stacks on party walls. Set back from the road behind low flint boundary walls. Number 20 incorporates the monogram ‘A’ for ‘Abergavenny’ and the date 1891. It is likely Nevill Road was itself named after William Nevill, 1st Marquis of Abergavenny.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
ii. A good quality example of late 19th century farmworkers’ terraced housing
B Historic and Evidential Interest
ii Associated with the Abergavenny farm estate, as illustrated by the Abergavenny monogram incorporated within number 20. The architectural quality of the building reveals much about the relationship between the owners and workers on the estate.
C. Townscape interest
ii Outside the Rottingdean Conservation Area, but contributes to the street scene and the character of the historic village
F. Intactness
i. Although the windows have been replaced, and modern dormers inserted, the terrace retains a sense of completeness
Date of Inclusion