Conservation Area (CA)
North Laine CA
Local Listing Reference
Extension to Hanover Chapel (listed) to form community centre. Built in 1986-7 following fire to designs by Wells-Thorpe and Suppel (architect for Hove Town Hall). Robust and heavy with a layered facade to North Road formed from projecting sections of ribbed concrete against yellow brick (Antram & Morrice). Incorporates pierced relief panel by John Skelton (nephew of Eric Gill) depicting loaves and fishes. Although attached to the listed Hanover Chapel, the community centre is specifically identified as not forming part of the listing. Source: Antram & Morrice 2008
A. Architectural, Design and Artistic Interest
i A good example of a late 20th century building of its type.
C. Townscape Interest
i Within the North Laine Conservation Area, but atypical of the area due to its architectural style and date of construction. It complements the general post-war character of this part of North Road
F. Intactness
i There have been alterations to the ground floor entrance, but these are sympathetic to the building’s design ethos
Date of inclusion