Conservation Area (CA)
Local Listing Reference
Short terrace of three cottages, set at right angles to the road. The two end buildings are evident on the 1839 tithe map; the central building appears to be a later addition that is first evident on the c.1870 Ordnance Survey map. The difference in construction date is reflected in the height of the buildings; with the end cottages substantially lower than that to the centre.
Extensive alteration through time means that the buildings (including particularly their roof form) now form a unified group. They retain a rendered front with flint to the roadside. The buildings have small front gardens with flint boundary walls. They face towards the former Ovingdean Hall farmyard - although they do not form part of the yard itself - and therefore likely originally formed farmworkers' cottages. The flint side elevation to the terrace is set hard against the roadside. Source: Ovingdean Conservation Area Character Statement 2012.
A. Architectural, design and artistic Interest
ii A good quality example of farmworkers’ cottages; its development over time forming a particularly interesting group.
C. Townscape interest
i The building is set hard against the road, at a kink in the road. As such, it is prominent in the streetscene. It is located within the conservation area, but is atypical of it as there are few farmworkers’ cottages of this period in the area.
E. Rarity and representativeness
i A rare example of farmworkers’ cottages of this period in the area.
F. Intactness
i The group have been modified over time but retain a sense of completeness.
Date of inclusion