Conservation Area (CA)
Local Listing Reference
The nomination was for numbers 18 to 26 (even) and 13 to 17 (odd), but the description given in the nomination appears to describe numbers 14 to 22 (even) and 13 to 21 (odd). Red brick and terracotta houses, with hipped roofs. Two semi-detached and one detached property to either side of the road, both groups with matching detail. The detached properties and the first semi-detached property on the east are evident on the c.1890 Ordnance Survey map, with the remainder present by the c.1910 map. Given the matching detailing, it is likely they all date to the 1890s and were being constructed at the time the map was drawn up. The detached properties are symmetrical in design, with a central bay flanked by a square bay to either side, each rising to a gable. Above the door is a balcony with terracotta bottle balustrade.
The semi-detached properties are of greater bulk. They retain canted bays and pediments to the centre, flanked by the main entrance and a balcony with timber balustrade supported on a square bay. All properties would have had decorative boundaries, many of which retain their terracotta bottle balustrade, ball finials and/or urns. Sie Jack Hobbs (famous early 20th century cricketer) lived at 13 Palmeira Square and is commemorated through a plaque on the building. The same property was the site of the Bronze Age Hove Barrow, in which the Amber Cup was discovered. The Barrow was removed in 1857-8. Source: Middleton 2002, BBC: The Hove Amber Cup.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
ii A good quality example of late Victorian red brick and terracotta houses.
C. Townscape interest
ii Outside the Brunswick Town conservation area, but contribute greatly to the streetscene.
F. Intactness
i The buildings retaining much of their matching detailing, which enhances the cohesiveness of the group.
Date of inclusion