Conservation Area (CA)
Valley Gardens CA
Local Listing Reference
Former offices of the Brighton & Hove Herald, built 1934 to the designs of John Leopold Denman. Neo-Georgian in style, and described in the Pevsner Guide as ‘very stylish and well-detailed’. Symmetrical in design. Semi-circular headed windows to ground floor set in an arcade and incorporating a square-headed central doorway. Two further doorways set to each side. Brown brick with red brick and Portland stone dressings. Carving by Joseph Cribb. 8 hung sash windows to both the first and second floors, with parapet above. Projecting clock set centrally. Source: Antram & Morrice 2008.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
ii A good quality example of this type and design of building iv A good example of a work by local architect John Leopold Denman.
C. Townscape interest
i Within the Valley Gardens conservation area, the building is atypical of the period and style that characterises the conservation area, yet contributes positively to the area and the approach to the Royal Pavilion.
F. Intactness
i The external design of the building and elements of its interior survive intact.
Date of inclusion