Conservation Area (CA)
Preston Village CA
Local Listing Reference
Two to three storey buildings, with shops to ground floor. Designed by Charles Stanley Peach for the Stanford family of Preston Manor. They considered it important to have control of the design of these buildings to ensure a pleasant view from Preston Manor.
Designs for the building survive, which indicate that originally it was proposed that the terrace would have extended further to the south on the site of Acacia House (199 Preston Road, now listed). Peach also worked for the Stanfords on extensions to Preston Manor (1905) and the Stanford Estate Office in South Road (both listed), as well as on their other estate in Wiltshire. Brick with tile roofs. Early 20th century in style, with elements of the original shopfronts surviving to the ground floor. Gables extend to the street frontages on Preston Road and Middle Road. These include decorative plasterwork displaying sheaves of corn and cockerels. The sheaves of corn (to Middle Road) likely denote its original use as a bakery; there is a painted sign for Hovis on the brickwork below. Source: Preston Manor Archive
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
iv A good example of a work by Charles Stanley Peach, known for his work on Preston Manor and the Stanford Estate (examples of which are listed)
C.Townscape interest
i Within the Preston Village Conservation Area, but atypical of it, being a designed terrace of shops designed by Peach for the Stanfords (rather than through speculative builders like the majority of their Estate). It has association with the work of Peach at Preston Manor itself and at the Stanford Estate Office (both grade II listed).
F Intactness
i The terrace of shops survives relatively intact.
Date of inclusion