Conservation Area (CA)
Local Listing Reference
Methodist Church, now nursery (Queen’s Park Loft). 1891 by W.S. Parnacott. Rendered with pitched slate roofs. Main elevation within gable end, which fronts Queen’s Park Road. Largely symmetrical, the central section is set forward. It contains a large central round-headed window with circular tracery and flanked by paired pilasters; blind colonnade below. Smaller round-headed windows set to either side, with entrances (again projecting forward) beyond and accessed by steps. A further gable end is set to the north, at lower height. All set above a basement with shallow-arched windows. Rustications to basement. The Church is set back from the road behind a low rendered wall with piers and cast iron railings. Source:
A. Architectural, Design and Artistic Interest
ii Good example of a late 19th century Methodist church, displaying an unusually striking stylistically-modern classical design
C. Townscape Interest
ii Not within a conservation area, the building’s façade contributes greatly to the area
F. Intactness
i Despite conversion to nursery use in 1991, the building retains its design integrity
Date of inclusion