Conservation Area (CA)
West Hill CA
Local Listing Reference
The Royal Standard is mentioned in street directories from at least 1859, when J Saunders was landlord. The style of the current building, however, dates from 1899. It is 4 storey and 2 bays wide. Traditional pub frontage to ground floor incorporating central entrance, curved glass and angled fascia. Above, two shallow canted bay windows. Two hung sash windows to the second floor, with round-headed recessed panel between. Tripartite windows to third floor. Red brick with stone dressings throughout. The roofline is particularly decorative, with a carved stone pediment incorporating the words ‘The Royal Standard’, pilasters and foliate decoration. Small cupola with columns supporting a copper domed roof to either side, one missing.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
ii A good example of a late 19th century public house of distinctive design.
C. Townscape interest
i Within the West Hill Conservation Area, but atypical of the area due to its use, style and its use of contrasting red brick and stone.
F. Intactness
i The façade survives intact
ii The building remains in use as a public house
Date of inclusion
2015, desription updated 2023