Conservation Area (CA)
Portslade Old Village CA
Local Listing Reference
Whychote, built in 1895 for brewer Herbert Mews, is set to the north of The Green, behind a tall brick and flint wall. Front elevation of brick, render, hung tile and mock timber framing, it presents numerous Mock Tudor gables to the streetfront. The side elevation is of flint and incorporates a number of carved stones. Andrew Melville, theatrical impresario and former owner of Brighton’s Grand Theatre, bought the property in 1928. Source: Portslade Old Village Conservation Area Character Statement 2010, Middleton 2002
A. Architectural, Design and Artistic Interest
ii A well-executed example of a large mock tudor house. B Historic and Evidential Interest i Associated with Herbert Mews, who, along with his brother Walter, owned the brewery in the village. The brewery has a significant impact on the development of the village. Whychote reveals much about the Mews brothers’ rise in status and wealth, and changing tastes in the relationship between factory owners and their workers.
C. Townscape Interest
i Within a conservation area, Whychote is set closer to the road, with a smaller building plot and more formal vegetation to the garden, such that the building has greater presence in the street scene than its neighbours. Its numerous gables and decorative chimneys form an interesting skyline which is atypical of the conservation area.
F. Intactness
i The exterior of the building survives intact
Date of inclusion