Conservation Area (CA)
Portslade Old Village CA
Local Listing Reference
8 semi-detached late Victorian houses, built by Walter and Herbert Mews to house workers from their brewery in the centre of Portslade village. A terrace of houses was also built on North Road, using similar detailing, but has been substantially altered over time. The semi-detached houses are more prestigious than the terraced houses, and may therefore have housed the brewery supervisors. Two storeys with pitched tile roofs. Brown brick with red brick dressings and lintel/cill bands. Gables facing street with tile hanging and decorative bargeboards to the gable end. The majority of buildings retain hung sash windows and decorative chimney pots. Source: Portslade Old Village Conservation Area Character Statement
B. Historic and evidential interest
ii Associated with the Portslade brewery, which was influential in the development of the village. The buildings reveal much about relationships between the owners, supervisors and workers of industrial premises. The buildings also denote some of the first development outside of the historic medieval village core.
C. Townscape interest
i Within the Portslade Old Village Conservation Area, but atypical of that area due to the uniformity of the 4 buildings, and its historic association with the brewery. iv The buildings have group value with the Brewery, which is locally listed and is a significant landmark in the village.
F. Intactness
i The buildings survive relatively intact.
Date of inclusion