Conservation Area (CA)
Cliftonville CA
Local Listing Reference
Five storey house, plus basement, dating to the early 20th century. Red brick with black brick banding, render and tile hanging, with gable end fronting road. Canted bay rising from ground to third floors. Canopied balcony to first floor and semi-circular oriel window to second floor. The hung sash windows have a single pane of glass to the lower sash, and multi-panes above. That to the centre of the bay window at second floor level has a fanlight design within the upper sash, and small-paned margin glazing to the lower. Decorative bargeboard to gable.
A. Architectural, Design and Artistic Interest
ii A good example of this style of building in this area
C. Townscape Interest
i In the Cliftonville Conservation Area, the building is atypical of the area in terms of its style, date and materials. It also contrasts markedly with the neighbouring listed terrace (2-5 St Catherine’s Terrace) in terms of its height and scale.
F. Intactness
i The building retains its design integrity and historic features to the exterior.
Date of inclusion