Conservation Area (CA)
East Cliff CA
Local Listing Reference
1912 in Free Style. Brown brick to ground floor with red brick above. Ground floor incorporates a central shallow-arched opening incorporating the text ‘St Anne’s Church Hall’ within the lintel. Door is flanked by a window and further door. Shallow canted bays to the upper floors, with a central plaque incorporating a window and the text ‘1912 The John Nixon Memorial’. White painted detailing. Unusual skyline, incorporating chequerboard detailing and broad shallow-arched windows. Originally the Hall to St Anne’s Church in Burlington Street (demolished 1986), and converted to flats and shop in 2002. Source: Antram and Morrice 2008
A. Architectural, Design and Artistic Interest
ii Good quality building of unusual design
C. Townscape Interest
i Within the East Cliff Conservation Area, but atypical of the area, which is characterised by plainer Victorian buildings which are mostly rendered rather than brick
F. Intactness
i The building’s exterior survives relatively intact.
Date of inclusion