Conservation Area (CA)
East Cliff CA
Local Listing Reference
Two storey cobble mews building, with red brick dressings and a pitched roof (now covered in concrete tile). Red brick string course and dentil eaves detail. Doors and garage doors at ground level. The garage doors appear later with a concrete lintel. Some original small fixed mullioned windows and fanlights. Some later replacement casement windows. Some loading doors to the first floor. The 1870 Ordnance Survey map shows the building as part of a mews development. Most of the mews was replaced in the early 20th century by Garnet House; the remaining mews building survives to the rear and can only be glimpsed through the passageway. The rear and side elevations can similarly be glimpsed from surrounding roads.
A. Architectural, Design and Artistic Interest
ii A good example of a cobbled mews property v The well-preserved vernacular character provides aesthetic interest
C. Townscape Interest
i Mews developments are relatively typical of the East Cliff conservation area. However, the building is particularly well-preserved and the glimpsed views afforded of the building contribute to the area
F. Intactness
i A very well-preserved and seemingly unconverted example of a mews building
Date of inclusion