Conservation Area (CA)
East Cliff CA
Local Listing Reference
Number 82 is a small two storey property with mainly rendered walls and hipped slate roof. Tall chimney to west side. Shopfront to St James’s Street with bow window and painted mathematical tiles above. Canted bay to side elevation (fronting Wentworth Street). Number 82 was used in the early nineteenth century by a timber dealer then passed through a number of uses including a jeweller, butcher, hairdresser, tailor, bookseller, stationer and newsagents. In the 1940s it joined with 81 and 81A, to form a chemist and optician. Antram & Morrice state that in ‘St James’s Street what interests are the occasional lapses into the vernacular … e.g. … [number 82], very modest, with first-floor bow and mathematical tiles’. Source: Antram & Morrice 2008, Miller 2011
A. Architectural, Design and Artistic Interest
i Number 82 is a good example of a modest shop building, displaying elements of the regional vernacular
C. Townscape Interest
i Within the East Cliff conservation area, it is atypical of the area due to its scale and vernacular character, as indicated in Antram & Morrice 2008
F. Intactness
i The building survives relatively intact
Date of inclusion