Conservation Area (CA)
Local Listing Reference
St Margaret’s Flats were built in 1938 in the Moderne the seafront end of the High Street. It was built by Charles Neville’s Saltdean Estate Company to the designs of Richard Jones. The Estate Company was also responsible for the grade II* listed Saltdean Lido and the grade II listed Ocean Hotel in Saltdean, both also designed by Richard Jones (RWH Jones).
It is typical of the period with design features that include a horizontal emphasis, sweeping curves, regimented balconies, pale smooth render and views of the sea. There are 42 flats over 5 floors with commercial units at ground floor level either side of the entrance. It underwent major repair and restoration in 2008.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
iv. It is a good example of work by the locally notable architect RWH Jones who was also responsible for the statutorily listed Saltdean Lido and Grand Ocean Hotel in nearby Saltdean.
v. It has clear aesthetic interest and is a good quality example of an inter-war Moderne style apartment building in the streamlined style taking advantage of its seafront location and reflecting the period aesthetic derived from ocean liners.
B. Historic and evidential interest
ii. The building represents the physical, social and economic development of this area of Brighton and Hove where the Saltdean Estate Company were attempting to develop much of the land to the East of Brighton. It is part of a group of buildings built with seafront leisure in mind.
C. Townscape interest
ii. The building is located outside of the Rottingdean Conservation Area but it can be viewed from within the area and makes a positive contribution to the street scene. Located on the lower section of Rottingdean High Street close to the cliff top, the relative scale and massing of the building means it is clearly visible from the seafront and beach.
F. Intactness
i. Despite replacement windows and shop fronts, the building frontage retains its overall Moderne style and form and is very clearly readable as a building of that period.
ii. he building remains it original use.
Date of inclusion