Conservation Area (CA)
Local Listing Reference
Built in 1906 as St Andrew’s Infants School but became St Peter’s Infants School in 1947. Architect unknown. Single storey in roughcast render with red brick plinth and steep clay-tiled roofs with huge gable ends at the front, one with half timbering, rooftop cupola and tall chimney stacks. The overall architectural composition shows clear signs of Arts and Crafts influence. Replacement windows and modern front boundary treatment. There are intact 1939 air raid shelters beneath the canteen. Modern rear extensions are not of interest.
A. Architectural, Design and Artistic Interest
ii This school is a good quality example of an Edwardian state infants school and shows an interesting use of Arts and Crafts influence.
v The building displays a clears aesthetic interest arising from a conscious design that evokes and reflects contemporary architectural trends.
B. Historic and Evidential Interest
ii This was the first elementary school to be built by the East Sussex County Council Education Committee. It illustrates the social development of Brighton and Hove, reflecting the rapid expansion of Hove and Portslade in the late 19th century and the late drive towards better general education.
iv The surviving air raid shelters add evidence of how WW2 affected the area.
C. Townscape Interest
ii The building is attractive and distinctive and makes a positive contribution to the streetscene (particularly through its prominent roofscape), whilst at the same time reflecting the materials of the simpler residential properties of St Peter’s Road. Its unusual roofscape lends a sense of place to the locality.
E. Rarity and Representativeness
ii It is one of few surviving purpose-built schools of this period in Hove and Portslade.
F. Intactness
i The building remains largely intact as seen from the street. Replacement windows have not unduly harmed its architectural composition. ii The school remains in the use for which it was designed and built.
Date of inclusion