Conservation Area (CA)
No CA.
Local Listing Reference
Two-storey building with attic, comprising a terrace of 3 houses. Red brick with string course, pitched tile roof and 2 prominent chimney stacks. Symmetrical design; central house presents a gable to the road, with a central doorway flanked by casement windows, 2 windows to the first floor and a further window to the gable.
The house incorporates the monogram ‘A’ for ‘Abergavenny’ and the date 1909.
Both end houses have a single casement window to each floor, with their front doors set within the outer bay. The houses are set slightly back from the road, behind a grassed bank. Each doorway has a matching open-sided porch.
The houses were built as farmworker’s cottages for the Abergavenny estate.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
ii. A good and relatively rare example of early 20th-century farmworker’s cottages.
B. Historic and evidential interest
ii. Associated with the Abergavenny farm estate, as illustrated by the Abergavenny monogram incorporated within number 122. The Abergavenney Estate owned much of the land in and around Patcham and had a significant impact on the area’s development.
C. Townscape interest
ii. Outside Patcham Conservation Area, but contributes to the street scene and the character and historic development of the village.
E. Rarity and representativeness
i. Built at a time of agricultural decline, farmworkers’ cottages of this period are relatively rare. They illustrate the former use and ownership of the area as part of the Abergavenny farming estate.
F. Intactness
i. The building retains its design integrity.
Date of inclusion