Conservation Area (CA)
Local Listing Reference
A historic boundary wall built of bungaroosh - a mixture of coursed cobbles and field flint, brick and mortar, with brick piers at intervals. The wall dates from c1860, approximately 4.5m high, and runs along the rear boundary between Ventnor Villas and George Street, extending from number 3 Ventnor Villas at its southern end up to number 28 just short of Newport Lodge at the northern end – a distance of c200 metres. The wall has been smooth rendered on the George Street side so its appearance and historic significance is concealed from the properties on that side. The wall was built to make the new houses in Ventnor Villas more saleable, given their distance from the sea and proximity to the backs of the commercial premises of George Street.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
i. A good example of a regional approach to construction from a variety of readily available materials including flint, cobbles, brick and mortar. A rare example of an intact lengthy and tall historic wall.
B. Historic and evidential interest
ii. The asset illustrates the physical, social and economic development of Brighton and Hove as the wall was built at the same time as Ventnor Villas in the 1860s. Ventnor Villas was an extension of middle-class Cliftonville, and the wall was built to separate the gardens of Ventnor Villas from the backyards of George Street, which was already a vibrant street of artisans with a blacksmith, a baker’s stables and small terraced houses overcrowded with the families of brick makers.
F. Intactness
i. The wall has survived generally intact and is largely as original on the Ventnor Villas side, though now rendered on the George Street-facing side.
ii. Retains its original function.
Date of inclusion