Conservation Area (CA)
Cliftonville CA.
Local Listing Reference
Former St Aubyn’s Hotel, 1908 by Arthur Packham who was the in-house architect for Brighton Brewery firm Tamplin’s.
Three-storey corner building, with similar frontages to north and west elevations and prominent dome to corner. Pub frontage to the ground floor, originally with entrance on corner, over which is carved the original name ‘St Aubyn’s Hotel’.
The corner bay has 3 flanks, with a single hung sash window to the first floor and 3 oval windows on the second. Copper dome with swags above. Tripartite windows to either side of the corner bay, with alternate triangular and curved pediments above the hung sash windows to the first floor. Outer bays are pedimented.
Source: Antram & Morrice 2008.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
ii. Good example of a hotel of its type, which responds well to its corner location.
C. Townscape interest
iii. Set along the main seafront road, the domed corner bay forms a focal point in the area.
F. Intactness
i. The building survives largely intact.
ii. The building retains its pub use.
Date of Inclusion