Conservation Area (CA)
No CA.
Local Listing Reference
Two-storey public house and hotel built in 1927. Rendered, with mock timber framing to the first floor, which is jettied.
Taller 2 wide bay elements to the centre. This has segmental bays to the ground floor, with jettied gable ends above. Slightly splayed wings to either side, lower in height, and with some minor alterations. All with half-hipped tiled roofs.
‘Down Hotel’ painted on the roof of the western wing. Later glazed extension beyond.
Set back from the road behind a grassed bank (and car park), at a busy junction. Free-standing pub signs.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
ii. Good example of a 1930s public house hotel.
C. Townscape interest
i. Not within a conservation area, the building contributes to the street scene.
iii. The building is located at a busy junction and forms a local landmark.
F. Intactness
i. The design of the building remains intact.
ii. The building retains its pub hotel use.
Date of Inclusion