Conservation Area (CA)
No CA.
Local Listing Reference
Aldrington Basin, forming part of Shoreham Harbour, was constructed in the 1850s and included timber ponds and gas works.
By c.1870 a series of flint and brick structures had been built against the cliff, with dual-level access from the basin and Wellington Road. These formed part of Baltic Wharf.
Historical images of these survive, which show 3 enclosed structures with hipped roofs (number 20) to the west and 11 open-sided sheds to the centre.
To the east, there are 10 structures built on open, vaulted structures. Two of these are surmounted by warehouse-type structures with hipped roofs (number 18). The remainder supports terraced dwellings (numbers 4-16).
Although the open-sided sheds have been largely removed, the remaining structures survive.
The houses present 2-storey elevations to Wellington Road. Rendered with pitched roofs and recessed entrances. The 3 easternmost properties have 2 windows to the ground floor and a canted oriel to the first. String course. Overhanging eaves with brackets.
The western part of the terrace has a single window on each floor. Dormer windows to roof slope throughout, although likely later additions.
Numbers 18 and 20 are one storey to Wellington Road. Brick with hipped concrete tile roofs. Openings of varied size and proportions, although those to number 20 have been modernised.
Lettering stating ‘Works, Showrooms and Offices’ to the side of number 20.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
i. A well-designed wharf complex, with an unusual arrangement of domestic and industrial uses, which responds to the local topography.
B. Historic and evidential interest
ii. Illustrative of the historic development of Aldrington Basin, which is now predominantly modern in character.
C. Townscape interest
ii. Not within a conservation area, but contributes positively to the street scene.
E. Rarity and representativeness
A rare type of building in the Brighton & Hove area which retains an industrial use and setting, with an unusual arrangement.
Date of Inclusion