Conservation Area (CA)
West Hill CA.
Local Listing Reference
Built in 1894 to 1896 by Charles Hewitt as the Nathaniel Episcopal Reformed Church, it was acquired by a Strict Baptist congregation in 1965 and re-named Providence Chapel.
It was re-opened as the West Hill Baptist Chapel in 2013.
Red brick with stone dressings. Symmetrical elevation to the road: Narrow central double-height section with pitched roof, housing an entrance with porch flanked by square windows and a single large 2-centred arch window above.
Lower one-storey sections with steep mono-pitched roofs to either side, each containing a single 2-centred arched window to front elevation.
Set back from the road with lightwell, it's accessed via a flight of steps. Brick wall with tall piers with triangular copings to the boundary.
Source: Carder 1990.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
ii. A good example of a small Non-conformist chapel, which sits well within the terraced streetscape.
C. Townscape interest
i. Within the West Hill Conservation Area, the chapel is atypical of the character of the area due to its use, architectural style and red brick.
Its scale and relationship with the street nevertheless complements the area and the building makes a positive contribution to the streetscape.
F. Intactness
i. The building survives largely intact.
Date of Inclusion