Conservation Area (CA)
Old Town CA.
Local Listing Reference
Three-storey building with attic. Built in c.1901 for Edlins as Christie’s Hotel. It replaced the early 19th-century Carpenter’s Arms (later known as the Compasses), following the widening of this part of West Street in 1868.
Rendered frontage and slate roof largely hidden behind a parapet, with dormers. Free renaissance style, with a gable, turret and oriel to the front. Antram & Morrice (2008) liken the detail to the work of Treadwell & Martin.
Stained glass window (not in the original location) to the interior, depicting the West Pier. The carved details reportedly depict mermaids, a Brighton dolphin, scallop shells, fruit and mythical birds, although these are much damaged.
Soucre: Antram & Morrice 2008, Carder 1990.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
ii. Very well-detailed building. A good example of its type.
C. Townscape interest
i. In the Old Town Conservation Area, but atypical of its character due to its level of decoration in particular.
F. Intactness
i. The building survives relatively intact.
Date of Inclusion