Conservation Area (CA)
Sackville Gardens CA.
Local Listing Reference
Single-storey symmetrical Art Deco building with a central short colonnade and a hexagonal clock over. Brick with a lead-hipped roof. Similar elevation to the seaward side, but with the colonnade omitted.
The Kingsway Bowls club was founded in 1925, and therefore it's likely the building was built this year.
The neighbouring clubhouse was built in 1963, at which point the ladies club (independent from 1938) took over the ‘old’ bowling club.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
ii. A good example of a bowls club from this period.
B. Historic and evidential interest
ii. Illustrative of the development of the seafront in Hove, as the town continued to expand.
The incorporation of numerous sports facilities is indicative of the change from earlier private lawns established in association with neighbouring residences, towards the creation of public amenities and an appetite for seafront sports facilities.
C. Townscape interest
i. Within the Sackville Gardens Conservation Area, but atypical of the area, which is generally characterised by late 19th to pre-1914 houses.
F. Intactness
i. The original design composition is still clearly evident and viewed in relation to the associated formal garden.
Date of Inclusion