Conservation Area (CA)
The east section is in Sackville Gardens and Pembroke & Princes CAs.
Local Listing Reference
The first edition OS map (c.1870) shows the majority of the Western Lawns as part of the beach. By c.1898 it had been reclaimed and is indicated on mapping as part scrubland, part lawns.
The area continued to be developed in line with urban expansion to the west, however, it was only in the early 20th century that the current layout was largely formed.
The c.1930 OS map shows the current series of spaces, which are identified as:
- tennis courts
- bowling greens
- a croquet ground
- a bandstand set within a sunken garden
- lagoon with café
A decorative wall separates the Western Esplanade from the lawns. It's made of decorated red brick with stone and tile. The wall is Art Deco in style. The wall incorporates a number of small pavilions to its western half. To the east, the wall is more varied, as it is subservient to the buildings in this location, rather than forming a standalone feature.
The use of this area of the seafront for recreational sports remains, as do a number of the historic structures (although with additional modern structures). Elements of the sunken garden also survive, although the bandstand has been removed.
The lagoon, reclaimed from a tidal pool, retains parts of its original layout. The café building has been altered, however, and a number of new structures and facilities added.
Source: Middleton 2002.
B. Historic and evidential interest
ii. Illustrative of the development of the seafront in Hove, as the town continued to expand.
The incorporation of numerous sports facilities is indicative of the change from earlier private lawns established in association with neighbouring residences, towards the creation of public amenities and an appetite for seafront sports facilities.
C. Townscape interest
i/ii. The lawns and the surviving historic elements contribute to the character of this part of the seafront. It's a reminder of the historic character of this area as part of the historic Hove seafront promenade.
F. Intactness
i. Elements of the design and sports use remain intact.
Date of Inclusion
Pre-2015 (brick retaining wall pre-2015).