Conservation Area (CA)
No CA.
Local Listing Reference
Three-storey rendered Italianate building, with a one-storey shop to front.
The main building dates to the mid-19th century. Built on the former eastern gardens of Hampton Lodge, it appears to be referred to as Sutton Lodge.
The one-storey shop was built on its original front garden at around the turn of the century. Originally the London and Provincial Bank, it was later used as a post office (from 1973 to 2005) before conversion to a shop.
The shop incorporates a door to the easternmost bay, set within a large door surrounded by rusticated piers, lion-head figures and a semi-circular pediment with dentils. Smaller triangular pediments above the 3 windows to the west, with dentil detail to the parapet above.
The main building behind comprises a tower to the corner of Western Road and Hampton Place, with a tripartite window on the first floor and hung sash above, with the remainder of the building set further back.
The building has a hipped slate roof, overhanging eaves, raised string courses and rusticated quoins. Rendered plinth to front elevation, red brick and flint plinth to side elevation.
Further entrance with porch to Hampton Place.
Source: Carder 1990.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
ii. A good example of a turn-of-the-century bank, inserted into the existing street scene.
C. Townscape interest
ii. Not within a conservation area, the building contributes to the street scene, particularly due to its corner location and elaborately decorated shopfront.
F. Intactness
i. The design of the bank survives intact, with much of the original building surviving intact to the rear.
Date of Inclusion