Conservation Area (CA)
Brunswick Town CA.
Local Listing Reference
4-storey late Victorian corner building, originally The Western Hotel.
Public house frontage to the ground floor, rendered above. Elaborate detailing to both Western Road and Brunswick Street East. Windows have been replaced. The roof is largely hidden behind the parapet, with a distinctive skyline incorporating finials, pediments and a dome to the corner.
Source: Antram & Morrice 2008.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
ii. A good and highly decorative example of its type.
C. Townscape interest
i. In the Brunswick Town Conservation Area, but not typical of the character of that area, which is largely characterised by Regency squares and associated mews.
F. Intactness
i. The overall design of the building and its detailing remains.
ii. The building retains its pub use.
Date of Inclusion