Conservation Area (CA)
Regency Square
Local Listing Reference
Number 61 to 62 Western Road was built 1923 to 1924 for the drapers Lea & Son following the demolition of the original two buildings on the site, and designed by Denman & Son. It has been claimed to be the first steel-framed purpose-built office building with ground floor retail space in Brighton. Its distinctive front facade facing east is Romano-Tuscan in style with uniformed fenestration and an unusually long open terrace on its upper floor, but with elements of Art Deco in the steel windows and decorative detailing. The upper floor windows with margin lights have been recently replaced similar to the original design.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
iv. Denman & Son were a notable local firm of architects who did high quality much new and refurbishment work in Brighton in the early 20th century in a variety of styles.
v. The building very consciously expresses its steel frame, giving the upper floors a grid-like appearance, but embellished it with careful proportions and subtle ornamentation.
B. Historic and evidential interest
ii. An early Brighton example of the trend for new, larger retail and commercial premises (using steel framing) in the main shopping streets from the 1920s, illustrating the changing social and economic development of Brighton.
C. Townscape interest
i. The distinctive Romano-Tuscan and Art Deco style front façade makes a positive contribution to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area but is atypical of the area in terms of its architectural style.
E. Rarity and representativeness
i. There are a number of 1920s and 1930s retail and commercial buildings on the opposite north side of Western Road, which was widened during those decades but this property appears to pre-date those and has a more obviously expressed steel frame, giving the upper floors a grid-like appearance.
F. Intactness
i. The upper floor front and side elevations appear likely to be generally as original, though the windows are recent replacements. The shop front is late 20th century and of no merit.
Date of inclusion