Conservation Area (CA)
Willett Estate CA.
Local Listing Reference
Two parallel ranges of purpose-built flats. Designed in 1947 by Denman & Son for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution, but not built until 1956.
The range to the street front is divided into two 7-storey blocks with the entrance set within a recessed section between the two.
Brick, with a flat roof and four shallow bows from the 1st to 6th storeys. Lead to bows is a later addition.
Source: Antram & Morrice 2008.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
ii. Solid example of a building of this period, with architectural merit.
iv. By notable local architect Denman & Son.
C. Townscape interest
i. Within the Willett Estate Conservation Area, which is characterised by gault brick townhouses. The building is atypical in style, scale, materials and date of construction. Its size in particular gives it a clear townscape presence.
F. Intactness
i. The overall design of the building still remains largely intact.
Date of Inclusion