Conservation Area (CA)
No CA.
Local Listing Reference
One and 2-storey public house, with flat and hipped tiled roofs respectively.
Built in 1939, on the site of 8 houses, for the Portsmouth & Brighton United Breweries. Probably by Stavers Tiltman.
Similar brown brick to that of the Ladies Mile Hotel, which is of similar date. The original main entrance is set centrally to a 2-storey Neo-Georgian portion, with modern detailing. Predominantly tripartite casements to both floors.
The one-storey portion is set to the west. It terminates in a semi-circular end and is surmounted by an unusual attenuated Deco lantern, with a copper roof.
Located on a junction, the building is set back from the road and retains its freestanding pub sign.
Source: Antram & Pevsner 2013.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
ii. A good quality example of a moderne pub building, of which the octagonal lantern is a highly unusual feature.
C. Townscape interest
ii. Outside of a conservation area, the building contributes to the street scene. The octagonal lantern forms a focal point in the area particularly when lit.
F. Intactness
i. The design concept of the building remains relatively intact, despite alterations, particularly to the main entrance.
ii. The building retains its pub use.
Date of Inclusion