Conservation Area (CA)
Local Listing Reference
Interesting artisan Arts and Crafts reverse symmetrical semi-detached houses of c1904. Clay tiled with distinctive chimney stacks and pebbledash at first floor level. The half round gutters are suspended by unusually elaborate attractive cantilevered supports on each return facades and have distinctive dated hoppers. Each with interesting porches exhibiting ‘Alice in Wonderland’ style shutters with heart shaped spy holes to the porch window. Original front walls. Leaded lights were replaced in 2008 but to the original design.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
ii. A good example of very well detailed domestic Arts and Crafts style houses. It has not been possible to confirm the suggestion that the houses are an example of work by Clayton and Black architects.
v. An asset with aesthetic interest as an example of artisan Arts and Crafts reverse symmetrical semi-detached houses with original chimney stacks elaborate cantilevered gutter supports and porches with ‘Alice in Wonderland’ style shutters.
C. Townscape interest
ii. Outside of a conservation area, but make a positive contribution to the street scene and which stand out for their intactness and quality of detailing in a road of detached and semi-detached houses.
E. Rarity and representativeness
i. A comparatively rare example of surviving high-quality, distinctive semi-detached houses in the Arts and Crafts style in the city.
F. Intactness
ii. Retain the majority of design features externally and garden setting, although some features have been replaced to the original design.
Date of inclusion