Conservation Area (CA)
East Cliff CA.
Local Listing Reference
Two-storey cottage set back from the road behind a rendered boundary wall. Render to ground floor and flint cobbles with brick dressings above. Pitched tiled roof. Central entrance set within gabled porch (probably a later addition). Two mullioned windows are set to either side of both floors. Dentil cornice.
First evident on the c.1870 Ordnance Survey map, its style suggests a mid-19th century date. Its relationship to the street and to neighbouring buildings suggests it predates most development in the area.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
ii. A good quality example of a building of its style and date.
C. Townscape interest
i. Within the East Cliff conservation area, number 5 Wyndham Street appears to predate most development in the area.
As such (and in particular the resultant scale, height, style and relationship to the street), it's atypical of the conservation area but nevertheless contributes positively to the street scene.
E. Rarity and representativeness
i. The building is representative of early development in this area of the city.
F. Intactness
i. The building survives relatively intact.
Date of Inclusion