Conservation Area (CA)
Valley Gardens CA.
Local Listing Reference
A 4 storey rendered public house originally built in 1865 and rebuilt 1905 to 1906 to current form, with alterations in the 1930s and 1947. Was the Northern Hotel for much of its existence and owned then by Edlins. The B & Co in the Edwardian windows probably refers to Bass and Co, as their name and red triangle design was then advertised on the north elevation.
Located on corner of York Place and Cheapside and rises higher than neighbouring buildings to terminate the terrace. Hipped clay tile roof with prominent corbelled chimneys. Pub frontage extends across ground floor of both elevations, incorporating recessed shallow canted bay windows, a recessed entrance and pilasters supporting entablature with dentil detail. Canted bay window to first and second floor, with aediculated opening above.
Harmfully painted with mural to upper floors at time of local listing.
Source: Valley Gardens Conservation Area Study and David Muggleton
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
ii. A good example of a large public house and hotel frontage of its Edwardian style and date.
C. Townscape interest
ii. The building terminates views along St Peter’s Place. The gradual rise of roofline along York Place also emphasises the end of the conservation area at this point and leads the eye towards the grander terrace of St Peter’s Place (grade II listed). As such the building is a minor focal point in the area.
F. Intactness
i. The building – particularly the pub frontage – survives well despite the inappropriate decoration scheme.
Date of Inclusion
2015, entry updated 2023