Careers support for young people with a disability
Help to get a job if you are a young person with a disability, an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) or have received Special Educational Needs (SEN) support in school.
Specialist support
Supported Employment Team
If you or someone you know has a disability, the Supported Employment Team may be able to provide advice or support them to find or maintain work.
Find out more about Supported Employment and how to contact the team.
Get information, advice and support from Amaze. They can help families with children and young people that have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Brighton & Hove and Sussex.
Possability People
Find information, advice and support from Possability People. They offer support to disabled people or people with a long term health condition or impairment who are thinking about work.
Team Domenica
Team Domenica helps young people with learning disabilities find and retain meaningful employment.
The charity provides a range of employment programmes, with progression to supported internships, and wherever possible on to paid employment. Working in partnership with St John’s College, local employers, activity providers and charities, we are delivering an essential education, training and support service within the Brighton & Hove community.
How to get help with your finances
Find advice about money and more information about benefits relating to disabilities.