Learn all about the music industry, gain an RSL Creative Music Diploma and explore options in photography and journalism.
Supajam are a specialist music education provider. Learn all about the music industry, gain an RSL Creative Music Diploma and explore options in photography and journalism. Facilities include a garden, acoustic café and recording studio.
Level 1 to 3 Music Practitioners Diploma
English and Maths (entry level 1 to GCSE)
To be eligible you must:
- be 16 to 18, up to 25 with EHCP.
- not be in education, employment or training
47 Cromwell Road, Hove, BN3 3ER.
Other information
Start date: September 2023
Duration: 3 to 4 days per week for one year (level 3 is a 2 year course)
Online: No.
Contact: You can phone Supajam on:
- 01273 447554
- Chelsea Evans, Brighton Base Leader: 07496 896040
- Dan Broad: 07762 600483
To find out more about applying call Chelsea Evans on 07496 896040.
47 Cromwell Road, Hove, BN3 3ER