Advice Agencies and useful links
If you claim or want help with your rent and/or Council Tax, you may find some of these advice agencies and websites useful.
Advice - Brighton & Hove
A comprehensive directory of local independent advice agencies and national advice helplines. The site includes location maps, links to online self-help and a new webcam service for face to face advice.
- Website:
- Webcam advice:
Age UK Brighton & Hove
- Tel: 0800 019 1310 (our advice line is open from 9am to 2pm Monday to Friday)
- Email:
- Website:
- Address: 29-31 Prestonville Road, Brighton BN1 3TJ
- Opening times: Monday - Friday 10am - 4pm
Brighton Housing Trust (Housing Advice Enquiries)
- Tel: (01273) 234737
- Email:
- Website:
- Address: Community Base 113-117 Queens Road Brighton, BN1 3XG.
- Legal Housing Advice - Drop in Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Friday, queue from 9.15am - 12.30pm
- Brighton Advice Centre- Monday to Friday 9.30am - 12.30pm and 1.30pm - 4.30pm
Brighton and Hove Food Partnership
A non profit organisation, helping people learn to cook, eat a healthy diet, to grow their own food and to waste less food. Visit their Website to find out more
- Tel: 01273 431700
- Email:
- Website:
- Address: Brighton and Hove Food Partnership, Brighthelm Centre, North Road, Brighton, BN1 1YD
Brighton Unemployed Centre Families Project
- Tel: (01273) 671213/601211
- Email:
- Website:
- Address: 6 Tilbury Place, Brighton, BN2 0GY
- Opening Times: Monday to Wednesday 10.30am - 1pm & 2pm - 4pm
- Thursday 10.30am - 1pm
- Friday 2pm - 4pm.
- Lunch served at 1pm during weekdays
Brighton & Hove Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB)
Offering free, confidential, impartial and independent advice on managing your finances, including opening bank accounts, problems with bank accounts, benefit overpayments, council rent arrears, budgeting and general debt problems.
- Address: Hove Town Hall, Tisbury Road, Hove, BN3 3BQ
- Website for opening times and contact details
GOV.UK Benefits Adviser
What benefits are you entitled to?
Many people are missing out on benefits and tax credits by not knowing that they may be entitled to them. The Benefits Adviser is an online questionnaire to help you find out which benefits and tax credits you and your family may be entitled to. No personal information is required. The Benefits Adviser tool is provided by, the UK government’s public services access website:
East Sussex Credit Union
A not-for-profit savings and loans co-operative focusing on the needs of those on low incomes. The credit union offers easy-to-access savings accounts and affordable, flexible loans. It is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority with savings 100% guaranteed by the FSA Compensation Scheme.
- Address: Community Base, 113 Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XG
- Help Point (held at Community Base): Mon-Fri 10am - 3pm
- Tel: (01273) 234 858 Mon-Fri 10am - 4pm
- Email:
- Website:
Housing Options Team
- Tel: (01273) 294400 - Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm
- Email:
- Address: Brighton & Hove City Council, Bartholomew House, Bartholomew Square, Brighton BN1 1JP
- Opening times at customer service centre, Bartholomew Square: Monday to Friday 9am - 4.30pm
Find more information about what the team does in our services A to Z.
JobCentre Plus
- Tel: 0845 6060 234
- Textphone: 0845 6055 255
- Opening times: Monday to Friday 8am - 6pm
- Website:
Money Advice Plus
- Tel: (01273) 664000 Monday to Friday 9am to 1pm, 2pm to 5pm
- Fax: (01273) 022 662
- Address: Tisbury Road Offices, Hove Town Hall, Tisbury Road, Hove, BN3 3BQ
- Email:
- Website:
Moneyworks Advice line
Money advice available to residents in Brighton & Hove.
- Tel: 0800 988 7037
Opening times
- Monday: 3pm to 7pm
- Tuesday: 9am to 1pm
- Wednesday: 12.30pm to 4.30pm
- Thursday: 12.30pm to 4.30pm
- Friday 10am to 2pm
My Life directory
The My Life directory lists services and organisations in Brighton and Hove offering money advice and benefits support.
Possability People
Possability People is a charity that aims to make more things possible for you in your life, no matter what your situation. The charity works with disabled people, older and younger people, or anyone with an impairment or long term health condition.
- Tel: (01273) 894040
- Email:
- Address: Montague House, Montague Place, Brighton BN2 1JE
- Opening times: Monday to Friday 10am - 4pm
- Website:
Private Sector Housing Services
- Tel: (01273) 293156 9am to 5pm
- Email:
- Website: Private Sector Housing webpage
- Address: Brighton & Hove City Council, Hove Town Hall, Norton Road, Hove BN1 3BQ
- Opening times at customer services centre, Norton Road Hove: Monday to Friday 8.45am - 4.30pm
Refugee Council
UK registered charity offering information and advice to asylum-seekers and refugees.
- Tel: 0808 808 2255
- Textphone/Minicom: 0808 808 2259 (for people with speech or hearing difficulties)
- Opening hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays 9.30am - 1pm and 2pm - 4.30pm, Wednesdays 2pm - 5pm only.
- Children's Panel advice line: 0207 346 1134 open Mondays to Fridays: 9.30am - 5.30pm. Works directly with children as well as giving advice to those involved in their support.
- Website:
Royal British Legion Sussex County Welfare Team
Part of the legion's extensive Poppy Support services. If you are serving, have served or are the dependent or carer of someone who has served in the UK's Armed Forces, then you are eligible for help. The welfare team can offer financial aid in an urgent crisis, help homeless ex-service people get back on their feet, advise on compensation claims, offer careers advice for those looking to make a fresh start after leaving the Forces, arrange home or hospital visits, advise on coping with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and much more.
- Address: The Royal British Legion Pop-In Centre, 100-101 Queens Road, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 3XF
- Tel: 0808 802 8080 (free from UK landlines and main mobile networks)
- Contact details:
- Website:
- Royal British Legion Benefits and Money Advice Service:
Free, independent advice and information on housing to help you understand your rights and options.
We also provide advice and information on rent, mortgage arrears and budget advice.
- Website: Shelter
- Tel: 0808 800 4444 *Free advice helpline
St Luke's Advice Service
- Tel: (01273) 549203
- Fax: (05603) 432378
- Email:
- Website:
- Opening Times: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9.30am - 3.30pm, Friday 9.30am - 1pm
Sussex Interpreting Services
- Address: Community Base, 113-117 Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XG
- Email:
- Website:
University of Brighton Student Advice Service
- Tel: (01273) 642888
- Address: Moulsecoomb Site, The Tithe Barn, Moulsecoomb Place, Brighton
- Email:
- Website:
University of Sussex Students Union Advice & Representation Centre
- Tel: (01273) 877038
- Address: 1st Floor Falmer House, University of Sussex
- Email:
- Website:
Youth Advice Centre (YAC)
- Tel: 0800 721 0789*/ (01273) 828828 (*please note, calls to this number are free if using a landline however costs will incur if using a mobile)
- Email: /
- Address: 11 St George’s Place, Brighton, BN1 4GB
- Opening times: Monday to Friday 9am – 12pm – Housing Advice for 16 – 25 year olds.
- Opening times: Monday to Friday 3pm – 6pm – General Advice for 13 – 25 year olds.
- Website:
If you need information or advice on a legal problem go to to find your nearest qualified legal adviser and use a legal aid eligibility calculator.
Working 50 Plus
A local support network that offers help for people aged 50 and over to get back into work.
- Address: The Cornerstone Community Centre, Church Road, Hove
- Website: