Register a birth
Find out how to register a birth in Brighton & Hove and book a birth registration appointment.
Where to register your child's birth
All births in England, Wales and Northern Ireland must be registered within 42 days of the child being born.
The birth must be registered at the local register office in the registration district where the baby was born. For births in Brighton & Hove, this is Brighton Town Hall.
You can book an appointment to register a birth online or by phone.
You can also register a baby born in Brighton & Hove at Lewes Register Office if you live outside of Brighton and Hove but live within East Sussex.
If your baby was born outside Brighton & Hove
Your baby will need to be registered at the local register office where the baby was born.
Find a register office in England or Wales
If you cannot register the birth in the area where the baby was born, you can go to another register office and they will send your details to the correct office.
If you are a foreign national
Information about your baby's citizenship eligibility can be found on the website.
Who can register the birth
See who can register a birth on the website.
Parental responsibility
Mothers automatically have parental responsibility. By including the father on the birth certificate, they also have parental responsibility.
Learn more about parental responsibility on the website.
What you should take to the appointment
When you have booked your birth registration appointment, you will be asked to bring with you:
- current passport
- proof of address (such as a council tax bill)
- driving licence
- if applicable your marriage or civil partnership certificate
- if applicable your name change documents such as name deed or deed poll
Registration is free. You can buy a copy of the birth certificate at registration for £12.50. You can pay by debit or credit card. You can also buy extra copies of the birth certificate at any time.
Information you’ll need to give us
At the birth registration appointment, we will ask you for information about the baby and parents:
- date and place of birth
- whether the baby is a boy or a girl
- the full name and surname in which the baby is to be brought up
- full names and surname (and any other names they have used)
- date and place of birth
- address at the time of the baby’s birth
- their occupation
Father or co-parent (If his/her details are to be entered in the register)
- full names and surname (and any other names they have used)
- date and place of birth
- their occupation
Please check the details carefully before you sign the entry while you are at your appointment.
Correction fees
If you need to make a change or a correction to the birth certificate. there is a charge of £83 or £99 (depending on the type of correction). Forenames added within 12 months of birth registration will cost £44 plus a £12.50 certificate fee.