Woodvale Coroner's Court
Local information for people attending court.
The Coroner's Court is located approximately 300m from the main entrance to Woodvale Crematorium in Lewes Road. It is on the right hand side, opposite Woodvale Lodge.

The court is within 5 to 10 minutes walk from bus stops nearby. For more information about bus numbers and times.
Car parking
There is ample free parking in marked and unmarked bays to be found.
Hours of business
The court will be open at least half an hour before the start of the inquest. The coroner's officers can be contacted by telephone between 8am to 4pm Monday to Friday on 0330 222 5560.
The coroner's PA, whose office adjoins the court, can be contacted on 01273 292046.
If you have any queries when you arrive at court please ask either the coroner's officer who will be there to meet you, unless you arrive very early in which case please come to the coroner's office.
There is one courtroom in the building on the ground floor. The court is fully accessible.
If you are disabled or accompanied by someone who is disabled please let the coroner's officer know as soon as you are given a date to come to court. Please let us know if you need a hearing loop, so that arrangements can be made for you.
There are also toilet facilities for disabled people. If you have other needs please let the coroner's office know as soon as you can prior to the inquest.
Waiting areas
There are waiting areas with seating outside the courtroom, but there are no separate interview rooms.
If you are worried about appearing in court please contact the coroner's officer, who, if you wish, will arrange for you to be shown around the court before the inquest starts. You may then familiarise yourself with the layout of the court.
You may also wish to attend an inquest so that you have some idea of the procedures. This can be arranged if you ask the coroner's officer.
There is a cold water dispenser. No other refreshments are available in the court, but there are supermarkets, small shops and cafes nearby in Lewes Road. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in the court building under any circumstances.
There is an accessible toilet.
Mobile phones must be switched off in court and within the court building.
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