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An application for a mixed-use redevelopment of residential and non-residential buildings and regeneration of a brownfield site was refused by councillors at a special Planning Committee on 22 May 2024.
Following a long debate, the officer's recommendation ‘minded to grant’ was not carried out, with 3 councillors voting in favour of the scheme and 7 voting against it.
Read more about the Planning Committee decision.
On 7 October 2024, St William announced in the media that it had submitted an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate following the refusal of the application.
On 5 November 2024, the Planning Inspectorate announced that an inspector had been appointed and that the appeal would take the form of a public Inquiry. It will run for 8 days from 10am on 18 March 2025. The Inquiry will be held in the main council chamber in Brighton Town Hall.
The documents relevant to the appeal are available on the Planning Register, search for reference number BH2021/04167.
About the appeal public inquiry
Planning Appeals are the responsibility of the national Planning Inspectorate, which is an executive agency sponsored by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, entirely independent of the council. Information about the planning appeal process and how to contact the Planning Inspectorate can be found on their website.
In this case, the Secretary of State for Housing has called the application in meaning that the Planning Inspector will make a recommendation to the Secretary of State, but the decision will be made by the Secretary of State.
When and where the inquiry is
The inquiry will take place at Brighton Town Hall from 9.30am on Tuesday 18 March, meeting every weekday except Monday 24 March until it closes on 28 March 2025.
Where the Inspectorate has decided that the appeal will be the subject of a public inquiry, as in this case, the venue and facilities are provided by Local Planning Authority in accordance with the Inspectorate’s rules.
Brighton Town Hall was chosen as it is a council venue that is large enough for this inquiry, and available for the specific dates given over a period of two weeks. We hope this central location will enable anyone wishing to attend the inquiry to be able to do so.
Attending and speaking at the inquiry
Hearings are open to journalists and the wider public, as well as interested people, and the Inspectorate has published a guide on how members of the public can take part. If you do want to speak at the inquiry and have constraints around working, the Inspector will generally try to accommodate you at a specific time.
Filming the inquiry
As long as it does not disrupt proceedings, anyone will be allowed to report, record and film proceedings including the use of digital and social media. Inspectors will tell people present at the start of the event that the proceedings may be recorded and/or filmed, and that anyone using social media during or after the end of the proceedings should do so responsibly.
If anyone wants to record or film the event on equipment larger than a smart phone, tablet, compact camera, or similar, especially if that is likely to involve moving around the venue to record or film from different angles, they should contact the Inspectorate in advance to discuss arrangements.
Read the Planning Inspectorate guidance for further information.
The webcasting of inquiries is not required by the Planning Inspectorate and Brighton Council Chamber does not have webcasting technology available.
Result of the inquiry
After the inquiry the Planning Inspectorate will make a recommendation to the Secretary of State who will then make the decision to uphold the refusal of the application, or to approve it. The Inspector will usually make their recommendation within two months, after which the Secretary of State will make their decision.
The appeal decision will be put online on our Planning Register (search for reference number BH2021/04167) and we will update this page on the website. Those who have registered for updates from the Planning Register will also be notified.