The park is an important facility for the future of the city and its design and construction has been funded from several sources:
- £2 million - provided from council borrowing that will be paid back from rental income from some of the park facilities.
- £9.6 million is funded by UK Government
- £3 million - the majority from Section 106 funds paid to the council by developers. This fund ensures that development in the city provides local improvements to benefit new residents and the existing community
- £734,000 from the Carbon Neutral Fund to support achieving the biodiversity net gain target of 20%.
The scheme has faced rising costs due to inflation and was paused during 2023. Repeated exercises were undertaken to reduce the scope of works and the costs in order to remain within budget before works commenced fully on site.
The cost of the project will continue to be reviewed to ensure the budget is maintained. Future funding options are also being explored with the help of the West Hove Seafront Action Group.