Types of development allocated to the site
The site is allocated in Policy CP3 of the City Plan Part 1 for 6,500 sqm of employment use floorspace within Use Classes B1(a)(office) and B1(b) (research and development) (both now within Use Class E).
As the proposed use for storage/distribution was not in accordance with the allocated use, the planning application was carefully assessed against this policy and other policies in the City Plan Part 1 and 2.
Potential improvements to the local area
The scheme is liable for site-specific developer (Section 106) contributions to mitigate detrimental impacts of the scheme that are off-site and/or cannot be secured by condition.
These could include such things as:
- improvements to the highway network and infrastructure
- a Travel Plan
- a requirement to use local labour
- utility infrastructure (including water provision, wastewater treatment and drainage)
- biodiversity net gains
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
The developer will also need to pay a CIL amount which goes towards funding infrastructure in the local area.