Royal Pavilion Gardens public toilets
Public Toilets Royal Pavilion Gardens, Brighton, BN1 1ED
You can find these toilets at the end of Prince's Place, on the south side of the park.
Find out where our public toilets are, their opening times and what facilites they have.
You can use our directory to find public toilets in the city. Use the filters to search by location or toilet facilities you’re looking for. You can also check for toilet closures if we have any.
When in the list view, select 'More information' to see a toilet's opening times, facilities, and the nearest alternative toilet in the event of a closure.
In the map view you can choose a pin, then select the name of the toilet again to see those details.
You can switch between a list and a map view using the buttons on the right.
We're currently operating winter hours at our sites. This means that most toilets are open from 10am to 4pm. Some central seafront sites are open from 9am to 6pm.
You can find the specific opening times of each toilet below.
You can find these toilets at the end of Prince's Place, on the south side of the park.
You can find these toilets next to the tennis club on the west side of the park.
You can find these toilets on the Undercliff Walk east of the Whitecliffs Café.
You can find these toilets on the Lower Promenade west of Shelter Hall café near the underpass.
You can find the toilets in the building between the cafe and the nursery.
The Changing Places toilet is opposite the nursery in a seperate unit.
You can find these toilets in Stanmer Park. They're in Stanmer Village, opposite the tea rooms.
You can find these toilets opposite Portslade train station.
You'll find these toilets on Madeira Drive, opposite the Volks Electric Railway Visitor Station. It's one of the units under the colonnade.
You can find the toilets next to Vale Park car park.
You can find the toilets on the lower promenade, next to the ramp by the i360 ticket office.
You can find this toilet in the Wild Park Pavilion building.